

2023-09-22 16:34:28 栏目:汽车新闻 发布用户: jujin

珠海,9月20日 – 世界知识产权组织总部在日内瓦时间9:30(北京时间15:30)正式发布了《2023年全球创新指数报告》“科技集群章节” 所确定的全球顶级科技集群。产权组织中国办事处主任刘华在博鳌亚洲论坛国际科技与创新论坛第三届大会期间,与总部同步揭晓了今年的顶级科技集群排名,向与会的政商学界代表以及媒体记者介绍产权组织对科技集群的最新研究成果。

Zhuhai, September 20 – The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) officially unveiled the World's Top Science and Technology Clusters as identified in the Global Innovation Index 2023 (S&T Clusters Chapter) at its headquarters in Geneva at 9:30 Geneva time (15:30 Beijing time). Simultaneously, Ms. Liu Hua, Director of the WIPO Office in China, revealed the rankings for this year's leading science and technology clusters during the 3rd International Science, Technology, and Innovation Forum (ISTIF) of the Boao Forum for Asia. She shared WIPO's latest findings on science and technology clusters with attendees, including government officials, business leaders, scholars, experts, and journalists.

国际科技与创新论坛大会|Photo: ISTIF


Ms. Liu emphasized that WIPO's S&T Clusters Chapter in the Global Innovation Index aims to identify global cities or regions with the most active and concentrated scientific and technological activities. This is determined by analyzing the geographical location of inventors of PCT international patent applications and authors of scientific articles listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded. The ranking of S&T clusters is based on two primary metrics: the number of PCT applications and the number of scientific article publications within these clusters over the past five years.


She went on to highlight three key trends observed in this year's S&T Clusters Chapter:

1. 科技活动中心东移(Eastward Shift):东亚引领全球科技活动。全球五大顶级科技集群全部位于东亚,包括东京-横滨(日本)、深圳-香港-广州(中国)、首尔(韩国)、北京(中国)和上海-苏州(中国)。特别值得一提的是,中国现拥有24个全球顶级科技集群,成为拥有最多科技集群的国家。

1. Eastward Shift: East Asia is leading global scientific and technological activities, with all of the world's top five S&T clusters now located in the region. These clusters include Tokyo-Yokohama (Japan), Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou (China), Seoul (Republic of Korea), Beijing (China), and Shanghai-Suzhou (China). China, in particular, boasts 24 of the world's top science and technology clusters, solidifying its position as the country with the highest number of clusters.

2. 集群之间深度交流合作(Enhanced Exchanges and Cooperation):全球科技集群展现出协作与共享的开放创新精神。《2023年全球创新指数报告》对科技集群之间的互动进行了更为全面的分析,尤其是在PCT申请和科技论文发表方面的国际合作。这体现出合作共享在科技创新中的核心作用,强调科技集群不是孤立的存在,而是有着深入联结的“共同体”。

2. Enhanced Exchanges and Collaboration: Global S&T clusters exemplify an open innovation culture characterized by collaboration and sharing. The Global Innovation Index 2023 includes a more comprehensive analysis of interactions among S&T clusters, particularly international cooperation in PCT applications and scientific article publications. This reflects the central role of cooperation and sharing in scientific and technological innovation, emphasizing that these clusters are interconnected "communities" rather than isolated entities.

3. 企业推动集群发展(Enterprises-Driven):企业是科技集群内创新和科技活动的主要推动力(特别是数字技术领域的企业)。2023年,数字技术成为许多集群专利申请的主要技术领域。数字技术行业的领军企业,例如华为、OPPO、中兴、京东方、小米集团和字节跳动,正在引领这些集群的科技创新。

3. Enterprises-Driven: Enterprises, especially those in the digital technology sector, are the primary drivers of innovation and technological activities within many clusters. In 2023, digital technology emerged as a predominant field for patent applications across various clusters. Leading enterprises in the digital technology industry, such as Huawei, OPPO, ZTE, BOE, Xiaomi Group, and ByteDance, are spearheading scientific and technological innovation in these clusters.


As the event concluded, Ms. Liu unveiled the top 15 global S&T clusters and encouraged participants to stay tuned for the release of the full Global Innovation Index 2023 on September 27.


The 2023 Global Innovation Index will focus on "Innovation in the Face of Uncertainty" and explore questions regarding the impact of global turbulence on innovation, the pace of innovation, and the performance of developed and developing economies in this period.


This event received substantial support from the Boao Forum for Asia and the ISTIF Organizing Committee, with more than seventy representatives in attendance.




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